Sunday, April 24, 2016

Liebster Award + Interview

It's funny how life works.  I have now been blogging for six months and just when I was starting to feel discouraged I received word from a fellow blogger that I had been nominated for a Liebster Award.  A Liebster Award is essentially an award given by other bloggers to honor new and upcoming blogs.  Although it's not much I was really touched by this nomination.  It's never easy to start a blog and put yourself "out there" not knowing what you will get in return.  This award was the reminder that I needed to keep going and not give up.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mauritius Memories

When I was younger I thought I had my life all planned out: I was going to marry a nice guy from the midwest, settle in the Twin Cities, and honeymoon in the Caribbean after our wedding.  This only seemed logical for a girl from Minnesota, so when I ended up marrying a French guy, settling in Bordeaux, and honeymooning in French speaking Africa you can only imagine my surprise.  They say if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans.  If there is anything that I have learned over these past five years it's that you cannot plan your life.  My life has turned out so differently than I ever imagined, but I have to say that I love every minute of this new chaotic, beautiful, life.  Being with Florian has not only pushed me outside my comfort zone, but has also opened me up to places of the world I never knew existed.